30 Rare Photos from History to Change Your Perspective
Nathan Johnson
The annals of human history are full of change, turbulence, and a whole lot of epic. With each passing moment we leave behind a world that we will never see again, save for the mere snippets of time we manage to capture. Check out some of the rare, undeniably epic historical photographs down below for a stroll through time and see just how much has changed.
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A Meccan merchant with his Circassian slave. (1886-1887) -
Cowboys sit around Bob Leavitt’s Saloon in Jordan, Montana, 1904 -
Rare photo of general and former U.S. president Ulysses S. Grant behind him is a posture brace to help prevent movement during a photo session, sudden movements would cause blurring due to long exposure time. early 1860’s -
A black U.S. soldier reads a message left by the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War, the message reads: “U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home.”, 1970. -
Sumo wrestling. Yokohama – Japan, 1887 -
The Ethiopian Negus Menelik II who defeated the Italians in the battle of Adawa and thus saving his nation from colonisation. 1913 -
Man standing on lap of colossal figure of Ramses, 1856 -
Polish children await physical examinations, the passing of which would allow them to be adopted by German families. Failure led to the death camps. c.1940. -
Newly liberated Jewish survivors of Buchenwald concentration camp are joined by Jewish U.S. Army soldiers who helped liberate the camp for the first day of Shavuot religious service conducted by U.S. Army chaplain Rabbi Herschel Schachter. 18 May 1945. -
A Soviet political commissar of the 220th Infantry Regiment calling soldiers to an assault, Eastern Front, in Soviet Ukraine, 12 July 1942. it has been said that the subject of this photo died minutes after it was taken. -
The American Look in 1945 according to the department store, Lord & Taylor -
Coal miner and his family in their home. Scott’s Run, West Virginia. March 19, 1937 -
Opium addicts in Beijing, 1908 -
John Wilkes Booth (left) dressed as Mark Antony in an 1864 play of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” whose assassination influenced him in killing Lincoln. -
Martha Jane Cannary, better known as Calamity Jane, was a well-known American frontierswoman, sharpshooter, and raconteur. She was a tobacco-spitting, beer-guzzling, foul-mouthed woman who preferred men’s clothing to dresses. In addition to many exploits she was known for being an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok. Late in her life, she appeared in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show and at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition. -
Mentally ill patients in England, 1910.“Hydrotherapy treatments consisted of placing patients in baths or steam cabinets for extended periods of time to treat various conditions or simply to calm the patients down. The patients were often not given a choice and were forced to undergo treatment if the patient wasn’t calm.” -
A damaged US B-17 Bomber after a mission over Cologne, Germany in 1944. -
Revolutionary leader Che Guevara attending a United Nations Trade Conference at Geneva. August 28, 1965 -
Toffs and Toughs – A famous photo taken by Jimmy Sime at Lord’s Cricket Ground in 1937 illustrating the class divide in Britain -
Jim Jarrett wearing the Tritonia diving suit, preparing to explore the wreck of RMS Lusitania, 1935 -
FDR visits a Civilian Conservation Corps camp, 1933. In 9 years, 3 million poor young men joined the CCC. They were fed, housed, and paid a wage that was mostly sent to their families. Their efforts improved public land to this day. -
Class photo, Missouri farm school in the 1920s -
A Universal Carrier crew of the 8th Battalion, Rifle Brigade hands out chocolate to Dutch civilians during the advance of 11th Armoured Division in the Netherlands on September 22, 1944 -
Homosexual prisoners at the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany, wearing pink triangles on their uniforms on December 19, 1938 -
On May 27, 1942, an assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the ‘architect of Holocaust’, was undertaken by Josef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš in Prague, making it one of the few successful assassinations of a high profile Nazi during the WW2 -
Following the war, Franz Böttger, a supervisor at Dachau, was hunted down and captured by his own surviving victims. This is Dachau survivor Michael Pellis personally approaching and identifying Böttger, who is now trial for his life. He would be found guilty and hanged, 1945 -
Oswald Pohl, the head administrator of the Nazi concentration camp system, has a final photo taken moments before he is executed by the U.S. military at Landsberg Prison. The U.S. commissioner called Pohl one of the prison’s absolute “worst of the worst”. West Germany, 1951 -
U.S. Marines in Peiping, China readies for deployment to lift the siege in Peking during the Boxer Rebellion, c. June 1900 -
Japanese American boy scouts in the Granada internment camp raise the flag to half-staff at a memorial ceremony for six “Nisei” relatives of the camp members killed in action in Italy. Colorado, 1944 -
A Dust Bowl farm. Coldwater District, north of Dalhart, Texas. This house is occupied; most of the houses in this district have been abandoned.
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A Meccan merchant with his Circassian slave. (1886-1887)